Chasing the light, constantly brilliant! Supply Chain Innovation Exhibition·Hefei railway station successfully concluded

On June 16,2023, China Customized Home Furnishing Supply Chain Innovation Exhibition - Hefei Station was held in Hefei Yuan-Hilton Hotel.

At this exhibition, ARTCILUX made a grand debut with new products, presenting many whole-house intelligent lighting solutions for customers, unlocking more possibilities of home life.



Highlight time

China Customized Home Furnishing Supply Chain Innovation Exhibition - Hefei Station is a cooperation and exchange platform for industry professionals. Seizing the opportunity of the exhibition, ARTCILUX shines with its high-quality products and attracts many industry professionals to visit, experience and discuss.

ARTCILUX team receives visitors with the fullest enthusiasm, answers questions and solves puzzles for customers with the most professional attitude, and wins the unanimous praise from customers with high quality service.





At the exhibition, ARTCILUX Smart Pendant Wizard Pro, LED furniture lighting, intelligent power supply, wireless control system and Morning Glory series of home lighting were unveiled.



Getting Leaders' Praise

During the exhibition, leaders of the association and Industry experts visited ARTCILUX' booth and highly affirmed ARTCILUX' whole-house lighting solutions.

In the future, ARTCILUX will continue to plough into the home lighting industry and keep pushing forward. With smarter products and more professional services, ARTCILUX will join hands with our partners to create a smart and dynamic, comfortable and cozy whole-house smart home scene. To bring consumers a more convenient home lighting experience and light up for the masterpiece.


China Customized Home Furnishing Supply Chain Innovation Exhibition - Hefei Station ended successfully, but the brilliant continues. On August 12, the next stop is Wuhan. Expect to meet with you!